Tomtebobarnen - Stora lass av ängsull
Tomtebobarnen - Stora lass av ängsull
Stora lass av ängsull, Elsa Beskow, 1910
In this enchanting illustration from Tomtebobarnen, Elsa Beskow captures a moment of preparation deep in the forest, where the gnome children work alongside their parents to gather supplies for the coming winter. Large bundles of meadow wool are carefully transported, soon to be woven into blankets and warm clothing. The scene radiates a sense of togetherness and industriousness, as the gnome mother diligently fills the pantry with dried mushrooms and berries, ensuring her family will not go hungry.
"Och stora lass av ängsull de föra hem till mor,
Av den hon väver fällar, tills kylan blir för stor,
Av den hon stoppar bolstrar att ha i barnens säng
Och stickar varma tröjor, ty vintern kan bli sträng."
With its rich detail and nostalgic charm, this illustration brings to life the harmony between nature and the gnome family’s simple yet joyful way of life. A perfect addition to a nature-inspired gallery wall, children’s room, or any space that celebrates whimsical storytelling and Scandinavian folklore.