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NEW CHAPTER FOR POSTERTON - A curated collection of timeless art

Prinsarnes blomsteralfabet

A beautifully illustrated book "Prinsarnes blomsteralfabet" by Ottilia Adelborg, where each letter is adorned with delicate floral motifs. Blending typography with botanical art, this collection captures the charm of early Swedish illustration and timeless design.

Rooted in Swedish artistic tradition, Ottilia Adelborg’s illustrations are a celebration of craftsmanship and detail. Her ability to merge folklore, floral motifs, and early 20th-century design makes her work a defining part of Scandinavian visual heritage.

Ottilia Adelborg was a pioneer of Swedish illustration, known for her delicate compositions and timeless visual storytelling. Her work in Prinsarnes blomsteralfabet blends typography with botanical elegance, creating intricate and decorative designs that continue to captivate generations.