Tomtebobarnen - Samlar bär och svamp i den stora skogen
Tomtebobarnen - Samlar bär och svamp i den stora skogen
Samlar bär och svamp i den stora skogen, Elsa Beskow, 1910
In this enchanting illustration from Tomtebobarnen, Elsa Beskow captures a serene autumnal moment deep in the forest, where the gnome children eagerly help their parents gather berries and mushrooms. The scene is alive with the warmth of seasonal abundance—basketfuls of red berries, golden chanterelles, and towering boletus mushrooms create a magical atmosphere. The father, with his pinecone-shaped hat, carefully teaches his children how to distinguish between edible and poisonous mushrooms, a lesson passed down through generations.
"Och far han lär dem skilja på svampen riktigt väl,
(Ty om man äter giftig, man äter sig ihjäl)
Han lär dem namn på smörsopp, på ticka, kantarell,
Se’n få de ej ta miste, för då kan det bli smäll!"
This vintage artwork radiates a sense of Nordic folklore and childhood wonder, making it a perfect addition to a nature-inspired gallery wall, a children’s room, or any space that celebrates the beauty of Scandinavian storytelling.